

I am very pleased to announce our in-person pop-up meditation series at Roam in Frogtown. Many of you already know that this is an energetically elevated meditation space and I am thrilled at the journey we’ll take together there over the course of 13 Fridays from March 1 to May 31.

Join us for one Friday or take the full trip by attending all 13. We have intentionally set a very accessible price ($25) for these events as our main goal is cultivating a bright space for community. The first Friday of each month will be a crystal meditation and you can see the themes for each week below.

For those of you who aren’t in Los Angeles during this time, do not worry - I am creating a process to bring the energy of the in-person experience powerfully into our Parallel Society Substack offerings AND the Streamers space.

Let’s come together for this adventure and invite great magic into our individual and collective lives.

Join our Parallel Society Substack for all news on upcoming events